Source code for biotuner.scale_construction

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from biotuner.biotuner_utils import (
from biotuner.metrics import (

import itertools
from collections import Counter
from numpy import linspace, empty, concatenate, log2
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
from fractions import Fraction
from scipy.stats import norm
import contfrac
from math import log2
import math
import sympy as sp
import itertools
import operator
from functools import reduce


[docs] def oct_subdiv(ratio, octave_limit=0.01365, octave=2, n=5): """ N-TET tuning from Generator Interval. This function uses a generator interval to suggest numbers of steps to divide the octave. Parameters ---------- ratio : float Ratio that corresponds to the generator_interval. For example, by giving the fifth (3/2) as generator interval, this function will suggest to subdivide the octave in 12, 53, etc. octave_limit : float, default=0.01365 Approximation of the octave corresponding to the acceptable distance between the ratio of the generator interval after multiple iterations and the octave value. The default value of 0.01365 corresponds to the Pythagorean comma. octave : int, default=2 Value of the octave. n : int, default=5 Number of suggested octave subdivisions. Returns ------- Octdiv : List of int List of N-TET tunings according to the generator interval. Octvalue : List of float List of the approximations of the octave for each N-TET tuning. Examples -------- >>> oct_subdiv(3/2, n=3) ([12, 53, 106], [1.0136432647705078, 1.0020903140410862, 1.0041849974949628]) """ Octdiv, Octvalue, i = [], [], 1 ratios = [] while len(Octdiv) < n: ratio_mult = ratio**i while ratio_mult > octave: ratio_mult = ratio_mult / octave rescale_ratio = ratio_mult - round(ratio_mult) ratios.append(ratio_mult) i += 1 if -octave_limit < rescale_ratio < octave_limit: Octdiv.append(i - 1) Octvalue.append(ratio_mult) else: continue return Octdiv, Octvalue
[docs] def compare_oct_div(Octdiv=12, Octdiv2=53, bounds=0.005, octave=2): """ Function that compares steps for two N-TET tunings and returns matching ratios and corresponding degrees Parameters ---------- Octdiv : int, default=12 First N-TET tuning number of steps. Octdiv2 : int, default=53 Second N-TET tuning number of steps. bounds : float, default=0.005 Maximum distance between one ratio of Octdiv and one ratio of Octdiv2 to consider a match. octave : int, default=2 Value of the octave Returns ------- avg_ratios : numpy.ndarray List of ratios corresponding to the shared steps in the two N-TET tunings shared_steps : List of tuples The two elements of each tuple corresponds to the tuning steps sharing the same interval in the two N-TET tunings Examples -------- >>> ratios, shared_steps = compare_oct_div(Octdiv=12, Octdiv2=53, bounds=0.005, octave=2) >>> ratios, shared_steps ([1.124, 1.187, 1.334, 1.499, 1.78, 2.0], [(2, 9), (3, 13), (5, 22), (7, 31), (10, 44), (12, 53)]) """ ListOctdiv = [] ListOctdiv2 = [] OctdivSum = 1 OctdivSum2 = 1 i = 1 i2 = 1 while OctdivSum < octave: OctdivSum = (nth_root(octave, Octdiv)) ** i i += 1 ListOctdiv.append(OctdivSum) while OctdivSum2 < octave: OctdivSum2 = (nth_root(octave, Octdiv2)) ** i2 i2 += 1 ListOctdiv2.append(OctdivSum2) shared_steps = [] avg_ratios = [] for i, n in enumerate(ListOctdiv): for j, harm in enumerate(ListOctdiv2): if harm - bounds < n < harm + bounds: shared_steps.append((i + 1, j + 1)) avg_ratios.append((n + harm) / 2) avg_ratios = [round(x, 3) for x in avg_ratios] return avg_ratios, shared_steps
[docs] def multi_oct_subdiv( peaks, max_sub=100, octave_limit=0.01365, octave=2, n_scales=10, cons_limit=0.1 ): """ Determine optimal octave subdivisions based on consonant peaks ratios. This function takes the most consonant peaks ratios and uses them as input for the oct_subdiv function. Each consonant ratio generates a list of possible octave subdivisions. The function then compares these lists and identifies optimal octave subdivisions that are common across multiple generator intervals. Parameters ---------- peaks : List of float Peaks represent local maximum in a spectrum. max_sub : int, default=100 Maximum number of intervals in N-TET tuning suggestions. octave_limit : float, default=0.01365 Approximation of the octave corresponding to the acceptable distance between the ratio of the generator interval after multiple iterations and the octave value. octave : int, default=2 value of the octave n_scales : int, default=10 Number of N-TET tunings to compute for each generator interval (ratio). cons_limit : float, default=0.1 Limit for the consonance of the peaks ratios. Returns ------- multi_oct_div : List of int List of octave subdivisions that fit with multiple generator intervals. ratios : List of float List of the generator intervals for which at least 1 N-TET tuning matches with another generator interval. Examples -------- >>> peaks = [2, 3, 9] >>> oct_divs, x = multi_oct_subdiv(peaks, max_sub=100) >>> oct_divs, x ([53], array([1.125, 1.5 ])) """ ratios, cons = consonant_ratios(peaks, cons_limit) list_oct_div = [] for i in range(len(ratios)): list_temp, _ = oct_subdiv(ratios[i], octave_limit, octave, n_scales) list_oct_div.append(list_temp) counts = Counter(list(itertools.chain(*list_oct_div))) oct_div_temp = [] for k, v in counts.items(): if v > 1: oct_div_temp.append(k) oct_div_temp = np.sort(oct_div_temp) multi_oct_div = [] for i in range(len(oct_div_temp)): if oct_div_temp[i] < max_sub: multi_oct_div.append(oct_div_temp[i]) if len(multi_oct_div) == 0: # Gracefully handle empty results return [], ratios return multi_oct_div, ratios
[docs] def harmonic_tuning(list_harmonics, octave=2, min_ratio=1, max_ratio=2): """ Generates a tuning based on a list of harmonic positions. Parameters ---------- list_harmonics : List of int harmonic positions to use in the scale construction octave : int value of the period reference min_ratio : float, default=1 Value of the unison. max_ratio : float, default=2 Value of the octave. Returns ------- ratios : List of float Generated tuning. Examples -------- >>> list_harmonics = [3, 5, 7, 9] >>> harmonic_tuning(list_harmonics, octave=2, min_ratio=1, max_ratio=2) [1.125, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] """ list_harmonics = np.abs(list_harmonics) ratios = [] for i in list_harmonics: ratios.append(rebound(1 * i, min_ratio, max_ratio, octave)) ratios = list(set(ratios)) ratios = list(np.sort(np.array(ratios))) return ratios
[docs] def euler_fokker_scale(intervals, n=1, octave=2, normalize=True): """ Generates a tuning based on a set of prime factors in the Euler-Fokker Genera. Parameters ---------- intervals : List of int Prime factors to use in the scale construction. n : int, default=1 The multiplicity of each factor, controlling how many times each is used. octave : int, default=2 Value of the period reference. normalize : bool, default=True If True, normalizes the scale to fit within the octave. Returns ------- scale : List of sympy.Integer or sympy.Rational Generated tuning. Examples -------- >>> intervals = [3, 5, 7] >>> euler_fokker_scale(intervals, n=1, octave=2, normalize=True) [1, 35/32, 5/4, 21/16, 3/2, 105/64, 7/4, 15/8, 2] """ multiplicities = [n for x in intervals] # Each factor is used once. output = [] for index in range(len(intervals)): output = output + [intervals[index]] * multiplicities[index] output = [sp.Integer(x) for x in output] potential = list( itertools.chain( *[ [x for x in itertools.combinations(output, r)] for r in range(1, len(output) + 1) ] ) ) output = [] for item in potential: if len(item) == 0: output = output + [item[0]] else: output = output + [reduce(operator.__mul__, item)] if normalize: output = ( [sp.Integer(1)] + [rebound(x, octave=octave) for x in output] + [sp.Integer(octave)] ) else: output = [sp.Integer(1)] + [x for x in output] + [sp.Integer(octave)] output = sorted(set(output)) return output
def generator_interval_tuning(interval=3 / 2, steps=12, octave=2, harmonic_min=0): """ Function that takes a generator interval and derives a tuning based on its stacking. Parameters ---------- interval : float Generator interval steps : int, default=12 Number of steps in the scale When default, 12-TET for interval 3/2 octave : int Defaults to 2 Value of the octave Returns ------- tuning : List of float Generated tuning. Examples -------- >>> tuning = generator_interval_tuning(interval=3/2, steps=12, octave=2, harmonic_min=0) >>> tuning [1.0, 1.06787109375, 1.125, 1.20135498046875, 1.265625, 1.3515243530273438, 1.423828125, 1.5, 1.601806640625, 1.6875, 1.802032470703125, 1.8984375] """ tuning = [] for s in range(steps): degree = interval**harmonic_min while degree > octave: degree = degree / octave while degree < octave / 2: degree = degree * octave tuning.append(degree) harmonic_min += 1 tuning = sorted(list(set(tuning))) return tuning
[docs] def convergents(interval): """ Return the convergents of the log2 of a ratio. The second value represents the number of steps to divide the octave while the first value represents the number of octaves up before the stacked ratio arrives approximately to the octave value. For example, the output of the interval 1.5 will includes [7, 12], which means that to approximate the fifth (1.5) in a NTET-tuning, you can divide the octave in 12, while stacking 12 fifth will lead to the 7th octave up. Parameters ---------- interval : float Interval to find convergent. Returns ------- convergents : List of lists Each sublist corresponds to a pair of convergents. Examples -------- >>> convergents(3/2) [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (3, 5), (7, 12), (24, 41), (31, 53), (179, 306), (389, 665), (9126, 15601), (18641, 31867)] """ value = np.log2(interval) convergents = list(contfrac.convergents(value)) return convergents
# Dissonance curves
[docs] def dissmeasure(fvec, amp, model="min"): """ Given a list of partials (peak frequencies) in fvec, with amplitudes in amp, this routine calculates the dissonance by summing the roughness of every sine pair based on a model of Plomp-Levelt's roughness curve. The older model (model='product') was based on the product of the two amplitudes, but the newer model (model='min') is based on the minimum of the two amplitudes, since this matches the beat frequency amplitude. Parameters ---------- fvec : List List of frequency values amp : List List of amplitude values model : str, default='min' Description of parameter `model`. Returns ------- D : float Dissonance value """ # Sort by frequency sort_idx = np.argsort(fvec) am_sorted = np.asarray(amp)[sort_idx] fr_sorted = np.asarray(fvec)[sort_idx] # Used to stretch dissonance curve for different freqs: Dstar = 0.24 # Point of maximum dissonance S1 = 0.0207 S2 = 18.96 C1 = 5 C2 = -5 # Plomp-Levelt roughness curve: A1 = -3.51 A2 = -5.75 # Generate all combinations of frequency components idx = np.transpose(np.triu_indices(len(fr_sorted), 1)) fr_pairs = fr_sorted[idx] am_pairs = am_sorted[idx] Fmin = fr_pairs[:, 0] S = Dstar / (S1 * Fmin + S2) Fdif = fr_pairs[:, 1] - fr_pairs[:, 0] if model == "min": a = np.amin(am_pairs, axis=1) elif model == "product": a =, axis=1) # Older model else: raise ValueError('model should be "min" or "product"') SFdif = S * Fdif D = np.sum(a * (C1 * np.exp(A1 * SFdif) + C2 * np.exp(A2 * SFdif))) return D
[docs] def diss_curve( freqs, amps, denom=1000, max_ratio=2, euler_comp=True, method="min", plot=True, n_tet_grid=None, ): """ This function computes the dissonance curve and related metrics for a given set of frequencies (freqs) and amplitudes (amps). Parameters ---------- freqs : List (float) list of frequencies associated with spectral peaks amps : List (float) list of amplitudes associated with freqs (must be same lenght) denom : int, default=1000 Highest value for the denominator of each interval max_ratio : int, default=2 Value of the maximum ratio Set to 2 for a span of 1 octave Set to 4 for a span of 2 octaves Set to 8 for a span of 3 octaves Set to 2**n for a span of n octaves euler : bool, default=True When set to True, compute the Euler Gradus Suavitatis for the derived scale. method : str, default='min' Refer to dissmeasure function for more information. - 'min' - 'product' plot : bool, default=True Plot the dissonance curve. n_tet_grid : int, default=None When an integer is given, dotted lines will be add to the plot at steps of the given N-TET scale Returns ------- diss : list of floats list of dissonance values for all the intervals intervals : List of tuples Each tuple corresponds to the numerator and the denominator of each scale step ratio ratios : List of floats list of ratios that constitute the scale euler_score : int value of consonance of the scale diss : float value of averaged dissonance of the total curve dyad_sims : List of floats list of dyad similarities for each ratio of the scale """ freqs = np.array(freqs) r_low = 1 alpharange = max_ratio method = method n = 1000 diss = empty(n) a = concatenate((amps, amps)) for i, alpha in enumerate(linspace(r_low, alpharange, n)): f = concatenate((freqs, alpha * freqs)) d = dissmeasure(f, a, method) diss[i] = d diss_minima = argrelextrema(diss, np.less) intervals = [] for d in range(len(diss_minima[0])): frac = Fraction( diss_minima[0][d] / (n / (max_ratio - 1)) + 1 ).limit_denominator(denom) frac = (frac.numerator, frac.denominator) intervals.append(frac) intervals.append((2, 1)) ratios = [i[0] / i[1] for i in intervals] dyad_sims = ratios2harmsim(ratios[:-1]) a = 1 ratios_euler = [a] + ratios ratios_euler = [int(round(num, 2) * 1000) for num in ratios] euler_score = None if euler_comp is True: euler_score = euler(*ratios_euler) euler_score = euler_score / len(diss_minima) else: euler_score = "NaN" if plot is True: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6), facecolor="white") plt.plot(linspace(r_low, alpharange, len(diss)), diss) plt.xscale("linear") plt.xlim(r_low, alpharange) try: plt.text( 1.9, 1.5, "Euler = " + str(int(euler_score)), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=16, ) except: pass for n, d in intervals: plt.axvline(n / d, color="silver") # Plot N-TET grid if n_tet_grid is not None: n_tet = NTET_ratios(n_tet_grid, max_ratio=max_ratio) for n in n_tet: plt.axvline(n, color="red", linestyle="--") # Plot scale ticks plt.minorticks_off() plt.xticks( [n / d for n, d in intervals], ["{}/{}".format(n, d) for n, d in intervals], fontsize=13, ) plt.xlabel("Frequency ratio", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("Dissonance", fontsize=14) plt.yticks(fontsize=13) plt.tight_layout() return diss, intervals, ratios, euler_score, np.average(diss), dyad_sims
"""Harmonic Entropy"""
[docs] def compute_harmonic_entropy_domain_integral( ratios, ratio_interval, spread=0.01, min_tol=1e-15 ): """ Computes the harmonic entropy of a list of frequency ratios for a given set of possible intervals. Parameters ---------- ratios : List of floats List of frequency ratios. ratio_interval : List of floats List of possible intervals to consider. spread : float, default=0.01 Controls the width of the Gaussian kernel used to smooth the probability density function of the ratios. min_tol : float, default=1e-15 The smallest tolerance value for considering the probability density function. Returns ------- weight_ratios : ndarray Sorted ratios. HE : ndarray Harmonic entropy values for each interval in `ratio_interval`. Notes ----- Harmonic entropy is a measure of the deviation of a set of frequency ratios from the idealized harmonics (integer multiples of a fundamental frequency) and is defined as: HE = - sum_i(p_i * log2(p_i)) where p_i is the probability of a given ratio in a smoothed probability density function. The `ratio_interval` defines a range of possible intervals to consider. The algorithm computes the harmonic entropy of each possible interval in `ratio_interval` and returns an array of HE values, one for each interval. """ # The first step is to pre-sort the ratios to speed up computation ind = np.argsort(ratios) weight_ratios = ratios[ind] centers = (weight_ratios[:-1] + weight_ratios[1:]) / 2 ratio_interval = np.array(ratio_interval) N = len(ratio_interval) HE = np.zeros(N) for i, x in enumerate(ratio_interval): P = np.diff( concatenate( ([0], norm.cdf(np.log2(centers), loc=np.log2(x), scale=spread), [1]) ) ) ind = P > min_tol HE[i] = -np.sum(P[ind] * np.log2(P[ind])) return weight_ratios, HE
[docs] def compute_harmonic_entropy_simple_weights( numerators, denominators, ratio_interval, spread=0.01, min_tol=1e-15 ): """ Compute the harmonic entropy of a set of ratios using simple weights. Parameters ---------- numerators : array-like Numerators of the ratios. denominators : array-like Denominators of the ratios. ratio_interval : array-like Interval to compute the harmonic entropy over. spread : float, default=0.01 Spread of the normal distribution used to compute the weights. min_tol : float, default=1e-15 Minimum tolerance for the weights. Returns ------- weight_ratios : ndarray Sorted weight ratios. HE : ndarray Harmonic entropy. """ # The first step is to pre-sort the ratios to speed up computation ratios = numerators / denominators ind = np.argsort(ratios) numerators = numerators[ind] denominators = denominators[ind] weight_ratios = ratios[ind] ratio_interval = np.array(ratio_interval) N = len(ratio_interval) HE = np.zeros(N) for i, x in enumerate(ratio_interval): P = norm.pdf(np.log2(weight_ratios), loc=np.log2(x), scale=spread) / np.sqrt( numerators * denominators ) ind = P > min_tol P = P[ind] P /= np.sum(P) HE[i] = -np.sum(P * np.log2(P)) return weight_ratios, HE
[docs] def harmonic_entropy( ratios, res=0.001, spread=0.01, plot_entropy=True, plot_tenney=False, octave=2 ): """ Harmonic entropy is a measure of the uncertainty in pitch perception, and it provides a physical correlate of tonalness,one aspect of the psychoacoustic concept of dissonance (Sethares). High tonalness corresponds to low entropy and low tonalness corresponds to high entropy. Parameters ---------- ratios : List of floats Ratios between each pairs of frequency peaks. res : float, default=0.001 Resolution of the ratio steps. spread : float, default=0.01 Spread of the normal distribution used to compute the weights. plot_entropy : bool, default=True When set to True, plot the harmonic entropy curve. plot_tenney : bool, default=False When set to True, plot the tenney heights (y-axis) across ratios (x-axis). octave : int, default=2 Value of reference period. Returns ---------- HE_minima : List of floats List of ratios corresponding to minima of the harmonic entropy curve HE_avg : float Value of the averaged harmonic entropy HE : List of floats List of harmonic entropy values for each ratio. """ fracs, numerators, denominators = scale2frac(ratios) ratios = numerators / denominators bendetti_heights = numerators * denominators tenney_heights = np.log2(bendetti_heights) ind = np.argsort(tenney_heights) # sort by Tenney height bendetti_heights = bendetti_heights[ind] tenney_heights = tenney_heights[ind] numerators = numerators[ind] denominators = denominators[ind] if plot_tenney is True: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4), dpi=150) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.scatter(ratios, 2**tenney_heights, s=1) ax.scatter(ratios, tenney_heights, s=1, alpha=0.2) # ax.scatter(ratios[:200], tenney_heights[:200], s=1, color='r') # Next, we need to ensure a distance `d` between adjacent ratios M = len(bendetti_heights) delta = 0.00001 indices = np.ones(M, dtype=bool) for i in range(M - 2): ind = abs(ratios[i + 1 :] - ratios[i]) > delta indices[i + 1 :] = indices[i + 1 :] * ind bendetti_heights = bendetti_heights[indices] tenney_heights = tenney_heights[indices] numerators = numerators[indices] denominators = denominators[indices] ratios = ratios[indices] M = len(tenney_heights) x_ratios = np.arange(1, octave, res) _, HE = compute_harmonic_entropy_domain_integral(ratios, x_ratios, spread=spread) # HE = compute_harmonic_entropy_simple_weights(numerators, # denominators, # x_ratios, spread=0.01) ind = argrelextrema(HE, np.less) HE_minima = (x_ratios[ind], HE[ind]) if plot_entropy is True: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4), dpi=150) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x_ratios, HE) ax.scatter(HE_minima[0], HE_minima[1], color="k", s=4) ax.set_xlim(1, octave) plt.xlabel("Frequency ratio") plt.ylabel("Harmonic entropy") return HE_minima, np.average(HE), HE
"""Scale reduction"""
[docs] def tuning_reduction(tuning, mode_n_steps, function, rounding=4, ratio_type="pos_harm"): """ Function that reduces the number of steps in a scale according to the consonance between pairs of ratios. Parameters ---------- tuning : List (float) scale to reduce mode_n_steps : int number of steps of the reduced scale function : function, default=compute_consonance function used to compute the consonance between pairs of ratios Choose between: - :func:`compute_consonance <biotuner.metrics.compute_consonance>` - :func:`dyad_similarity <biotuner.metrics.dyad_similarity>` - :func:`metric_denom <biotuner.metrics.metric_denom>` rounding : int maximum number of decimals for each step ratio_type : str, default='pos_harm' Choose between: - 'pos_harm':a/b when a>b - 'sub_harm':a/b when a<b - 'all': pos_harm + sub_harm Returns ------- tuning_consonance : float Consonance value of the input tuning. mode_out : List of floats List of mode intervals. mode_consonance : float Consonance value of the output mode. Examples -------- >>> tuning = [1, 1.21, 1.31, 1.45, 1.5, 1.7, 1.875] >>> harm_tuning, mode, harm_mode = tuning_reduction(tuning, mode_n_steps=5, function=dyad_similarity, rounding=4, ratio_type="pos_harm") >>> print('Tuning harmonicity: ', harm_tuning, '\nMode: ', mode, '\nMode harmonicity: ', harm_mode) Tuning harmonicity: 9.267212965965944 Mode: [1.5, 1, 1.875, 1.7, 1.45] Mode harmonicity: 17.9500338066261 """ tuning_values = [] mode_values = [] for index1 in range(len(tuning)): for index2 in range(len(tuning)): if tuning[index1] != tuning[index2]: # not include the diagonale if ratio_type == "pos_harm": if tuning[index1] > tuning[index2]: entry = tuning[index1] / tuning[index2] mode_values.append([tuning[index1], tuning[index2]]) tuning_values.append(function(entry)) if ratio_type == "sub_harm": if tuning[index1] < tuning[index2]: entry = tuning[index1] / tuning[index2] mode_values.append([tuning[index1], tuning[index2]]) tuning_values.append(function(entry)) if ratio_type == "all": entry = tuning[index1] / tuning[index2] mode_values.append([tuning[index1], tuning[index2]]) tuning_values.append(function(entry)) if function == metric_denom: cons_ratios = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(tuning_values, mode_values))] else: cons_ratios = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(tuning_values, mode_values))][::-1] i = 0 mode_ = [] mode_out = [] while len(mode_out) < mode_n_steps: cons_temp = cons_ratios[i] mode_.append(cons_temp) mode_out_temp = [item for sublist in mode_ for item in sublist] mode_out_temp = [np.round(x, rounding) for x in mode_out_temp] mode_out = sorted(set(mode_out_temp), key=mode_out_temp.index)[0:mode_n_steps] i += 1 mode_metric = [] for index1 in range(len(mode_out)): for index2 in range(len(mode_out)): if mode_out[index1] > mode_out[index2]: entry = mode_out[index1] / mode_out[index2] mode_metric.append(function(entry)) tuning_consonance = np.average(tuning_values) mode_consonance = np.average(mode_metric) return tuning_consonance, mode_out, mode_consonance
[docs] def create_mode(tuning, n_steps, function): """Create a mode from a tuning based on the consonance of subsets of tuning steps. Parameters ---------- tuning : List of floats scale to reduce n_steps : int number of steps of the reduced scale function : function, default=compute_consonance function used to compute the consonance between pairs of ratios Choose between: - :func:`compute_consonance <biotuner.metrics.compute_consonance>` - :func:`dyad_similarity <biotuner.metrics.dyad_similarity>` - :func:`metric_denom <biotuner.metrics.metric_denom>` Returns ------- mode : List of floats Reduced tuning. Examples -------- >>> tuning = [1, 1.21, 1.31, 1.45, 1.5, 1.7, 1.875] >>> create_mode(tuning, n_steps=5, function=dyad_similarity) [1, 1.45, 1.5, 1.7, 1.875] """ sets = list(findsubsets(tuning, n_steps)) metric_values = [] for s in sets: _, met, _ = tuning_cons_matrix(s, function) metric_values.append(met) idx = np.argmax(metric_values) mode = list(sets[idx]) return mode
[docs] def pac_mode(pac_freqs, n, function=dyad_similarity, method="subset"): """ Compute the pac mode of a set of frequency pairs. Parameters ---------- pac_freqs : List of tuples List of frequency pairs (f1, f2) representing phase-amplitude coupling. n : int Number of steps in the tuning system. function : function, default=dyad_similarity A function that takes two frequencies as input and returns a similarity score. method : str, default='subset' The method used to compute the pac mode. Possible values: - 'pairwise' - 'subset' Returns ------- List The pac mode as a list of frequencies. """ if method == "pairwise": _, mode, _ = tuning_reduction( scale_from_pairs(pac_freqs), mode_n_steps=n, function=function ) if method == "subset": mode = create_mode(scale_from_pairs(pac_freqs), n_steps=n, function=function) return sorted(mode)
"""--------------------------MOMENTS OF SYMMETRY---------------------------""" import sympy as sp
[docs] def tuning_range_to_MOS(frac1, frac2, octave=2, max_denom_in=100, max_denom_out=100): """ Compute the Moment of Symmetry (MOS) signature for a range of ratios defined by two input fractions, and compute the generative interval for that range. The MOS signature of a ratio is a tuple of integers representing the number of equally spaced intervals that can fit into an octave when starting from the ratio, going in one direction, and repeating the interval until the octave is filled. For example, the MOS signature of an octave is (1,0) because there is only one interval that fits into an octave when starting from the ratio of 1:1 and going up. The MOS signature of a perfect fifth is (0,1) because there are no smaller intervals that fit into an octave when starting from the ratio of 3:2 and going up, but there is one larger interval that fits, which is the octave above the perfect fifth. The generative interval is the interval that corresponds to the mediant of the two input fractions. The mediant is the fraction that lies between the two input fractions and corresponds to the interval where small and large steps are equal. Parameters ---------- frac1 : str or float First ratio as a string or float. frac2 : str or float Second ratio as a string or float. octave : float, default=2 The ratio of an octave. max_denom_in : int, default=100 Maximum denominator to use when converting the input fractions to rational numbers. max_denom_out : int, default=100 Maximum denominator to use when approximating the generative interval as a rational number. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing: - the mediant as a float, - the mediant as a fraction with a denominator not greater than `max_denom_out`, - the generative interval as a float, - the generative interval as a fraction with a denominator not greater than `max_denom_out`, - the MOS signature of the generative interval as a tuple of integers, - the MOS signature of the inverse of the generative interval as a tuple of integers. """ a = Fraction(frac1).limit_denominator(max_denom_in).numerator b = Fraction(frac1).limit_denominator(max_denom_in).denominator c = Fraction(frac2).limit_denominator(max_denom_in).numerator d = Fraction(frac2).limit_denominator(max_denom_in).denominator # print(a, b, c, d) mediant = (a + c) / (b + d) mediant_frac = sp.Rational((a + c) / (b + d)).limit_denominator(max_denom_out) gen_interval = octave ** (mediant) gen_interval_frac = sp.Rational(octave ** (mediant)).limit_denominator( max_denom_out ) MOS_signature = [d, b] invert_MOS_signature = [b, d] return ( mediant, mediant_frac, gen_interval, gen_interval_frac, MOS_signature, invert_MOS_signature, )
[docs] def stern_brocot_to_generator_interval(ratio, octave=2): """ Converts a fraction in the stern-brocot tree to a generator interval for moment of symmetry tunings Parameters ---------- ratio : float stern-brocot ratio octave : float, default=2 Reference period. Returns ------- gen_interval : float Generator interval """ gen_interval = octave ** (ratio) return gen_interval
[docs] def gen_interval_to_stern_brocot(gen): """ Convert a generator interval to fraction in the stern-brocot tree. Parameters ---------- gen : float Generator interval. Returns ------- root_ratio : float Fraction in the stern-brocot tree. """ root_ratio = log2(gen) return root_ratio
[docs] def horogram_tree_steps(ratio1, ratio2, steps=10, limit=1000): ratios_list = [ratio1, ratio2] s = 0 while s < steps: ratio3 = horogram_tree(ratio1, ratio2, limit) ratios_list.append(ratio3) ratio1 = ratio2 ratio2 = ratio3 s += 1 frac_list = [ratio2frac(x) for x in ratios_list] return frac_list, ratios_list
[docs] def horogram_tree(ratio1, ratio2, limit): """ Compute the next step of the horogram tree. Parameters ---------- ratio1 : float First ratio input. ratio2 : float Second ratio input. limit : int Limit for the denominator of the fraction. Returns ------- next_step : float Next step of the horogram tree. """ a = Fraction(ratio1).limit_denominator(limit).numerator b = Fraction(ratio1).limit_denominator(limit).denominator c = Fraction(ratio2).limit_denominator(limit).numerator d = Fraction(ratio2).limit_denominator(limit).denominator next_step = (a + c) / (b + d) return next_step
[docs] def phi_convergent_point(ratio1, ratio2): """ Compute the phi convergent point of two ratios. Parameters ---------- ratio1 : float First ratio input. ratio2 : float Second ratio input. Returns ------- convergent_point : float Phi convergent point of the two ratios. """ Phi = (1 + 5**0.5) / 2 a = Fraction(ratio1).limit_denominator(1000).numerator b = Fraction(ratio1).limit_denominator(1000).denominator c = Fraction(ratio2).limit_denominator(1000).numerator d = Fraction(ratio2).limit_denominator(1000).denominator convergent_point = (c * Phi + a) / (d * Phi + b) return convergent_point
[docs] def Stern_Brocot(n, a=0, b=1, c=1, d=1): """ Compute the Stern-Brocot tree of a given depth. Parameters ---------- n : int Depth of the tree. a, b, c, d : int Initial values for the Stern-Brocot recursion. Default is a=0, b=1, c=1, d=1. Returns ------- list List of fractions in the Stern-Brocot tree. """ if a + b + c + d > n: return 0 x = Stern_Brocot(n, a + c, b + d, c, d) y = Stern_Brocot(n, a, b, a + c, b + d) if x == 0: if y == 0: return [a + c, b + d] else: return [a + c] + [b + d] + y else: if y == 0: return [a + c] + [b + d] + x else: return [a + c] + [b + d] + x + y
[docs] def generator_interval_tuning(interval=3 / 2, steps=12, octave=2, harmonic_min=0): """ Function that takes a generator interval and derives a tuning based on its stacking. interval: float Generator interval steps: int, default=12 Number of steps in the scale. When set to 12 --> 12-TET for interval 3/2 octave: int, default=2 Value of the octave """ scale = [] for s in range(steps): degree = interval**harmonic_min while degree > octave: degree = degree / octave while degree < octave / 2: degree = degree * octave scale.append(degree) harmonic_min += 1 return sorted(scale), scale
[docs] def interval_exponents(interval, n_steps): list_intervals = [] for n in range(n_steps): n += 1 list_intervals.append(interval**n) return list_intervals[:-1]
[docs] def interval_to_radian(interval): degree = 360 * (log2(interval)) # print(degree) return math.radians(degree), degree
[docs] def tuning_to_radians(interval, n_steps): _, tuning = generator_interval_tuning( interval=interval, steps=n_steps, octave=2, harmonic_min=1 ) radians = [] degrees = [] # print(tuning) for step in tuning: rad, deg = interval_to_radian(step) radians.append(rad) degrees.append(deg) return radians, degrees
[docs] def tuning_MOS_info(interval=3 / 2, steps=12, octave=2): tuning, _ = generator_interval_tuning( interval=interval, steps=steps, octave=octave, harmonic_min=0 ) tuning = tuning + [2] tuning = np.round(tuning, 10) tuning = np.sort(list(set(tuning))) intervals = [] intervals_frac = [] for i in range(len(tuning)): try: interval_ = np.round( (1200 * log2(tuning[i + 1]) - 1200 * log2(tuning[i])), 3 ) intervals.append(interval_) intervals_frac.append( Fraction(tuning[i + 1] - tuning[i]).limit_denominator(100) ) except: pass # print(distance) # print(intervals_frac) distances = list(Counter(intervals).keys()) # equals to list(set(words)) steps = list(Counter(intervals).values()) sL = [steps for _, steps in sorted(zip(distances, steps))] if len((set(intervals))) == 1: # print('Large and small steps are equal') Large = sL[0] small = sL[0] else: Large = sL[1] small = sL[0] # print(sL) return len(set(intervals)), Large, small, tuning, sorted(distances)[::-1]
[docs] def find_MOS(interval, max_steps=53, octave=2): steps = 2 MOS = { "steps": [], "sig": [], "tuning": [], "distances": [], "distances_frac": [], "NTET": [], "harmsim": [], "matrix_harmsim": [], "stern_brocot_fracs": [], } while steps < max_steps: steps += 1 n_gaps, L, s, tuning, distances = tuning_MOS_info(interval, steps, octave) if n_gaps == 2 or n_gaps == 1: stern = Fraction(log2(interval)).limit_denominator(steps) stern = [stern.numerator, stern.denominator] MOS["stern_brocot_fracs"].append(stern) MOS["steps"].append(steps) MOS["sig"].append([L, s]) MOS["tuning"].append(tuning) MOS["distances"].append(distances) if n_gaps == 2: MOS["NTET"].append(False) if n_gaps == 1: MOS["NTET"].append(True) # MOS['distances_frac'].append(distances_frac) MOS_metrics = [] MOS_harmsim = [] for tuning in MOS["tuning"]: dict_metrics = tuning_to_metrics(tuning) MOS_metrics.append(dict_metrics) MOS["harmsim"].append(dict_metrics["harm_sim"]) MOS["matrix_harmsim"].append(dict_metrics["matrix_harm_sim"]) return MOS
[docs] def MOS_metric_harmonic_mean(MOS_dict, metric="harmsim"): total_steps = np.sum(MOS_dict["steps"]) harm_mean = [] for step, harmsim in zip(MOS_dict["steps"], MOS_dict[metric]): harm_mean_ = step * harmsim harm_mean.append(harm_mean_) harm_mean = np.sum(harm_mean) / total_steps return harm_mean
[docs] def generator_to_stern_brocot_fractions(gen, limit): stern_fraction = [] for i in range(1, limit): stern = Fraction(log2(gen)).limit_denominator(i) stern = [stern.numerator, stern.denominator] stern_fraction.append(stern) stern_fraction = sorted(list(set(tuple(row) for row in stern_fraction))) return stern_fraction
[docs] def measure_symmetry(generator_interval, max_steps=20, octave=2): """ Measure the maximum deviation in symmetry for a given generator interval. This function calculates the MOS scales for the given generator interval and determines the maximum deviation in symmetry for the scales. Parameters ---------- generator_interval : int or float The generator interval for which MOS scales will be calculated. max_steps : int, default=20 The maximum number of steps to consider for each MOS scale calculation. octave : int, default=2 The octave size for which the MOS scales will be calculated. Returns ------- float The maximum deviation in symmetry for the given generator interval. Examples -------- >>> generator_interval = 3/2 >>> measure_symmetry(generator_interval) """ MOS = find_MOS(generator_interval, max_steps=max_steps, octave=octave) deviations = [] for sig in MOS["sig"]: deviations.append([abs(s - np.mean(sig)) for s in sig]) avg_deviations = [] for i in range(max([len(sig) for sig in MOS["sig"]])): deviations_i = [d[i] for d in deviations if i < len(d)] if deviations_i: avg_deviations.append(np.mean(deviations_i)) norm_deviations = [d / len(MOS["sig"]) for d in avg_deviations] max_deviation = max(norm_deviations) return max_deviation