Deriving spectral chords from biosignals#

This notebook is intended to demonstrate the use of the biotuner (

The biotuner toolbox allows to extract harmonic information from biological time series, which in turn informs the computation of musical structures. More specifically, we will show how to derive spectral chords based on the harmonicity of spectral peaks.

Spectral chords from spectral centroid#

The first step to compute spectral chords is to decompose the signal into multiple components, so we will be able to have multiple frequencies associated with a single timepoint. To do so, we use the Empirical Mode Decomposition, which decomposes the signal into a set of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF). Then, spectral chords can be computed based on the timepoint consonance levels between each IMF. For each timepoint, the consonance is compute between the spectral centroid of each IMF.

import numpy as np
from biotuner.biotuner_object import compute_biotuner
import time
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)

# Load dataset
data = np.load('../data/EEG_example.npy')

# Define frequency bands for peaks_function = 'fixed'
FREQ_BANDS = [[1, 3], [3, 7], [7, 12], [12, 18], [18, 30], [30, 45]] 

# Select a single time series
data_ = data[39]
start = time.time()

# Initialize biotuner object
biotuning = compute_biotuner(sf = 1000, peaks_function = 'EEMD', precision = 0.5, n_harm = 10)

# Extract spectral peaks
biotuning.peaks_extraction(data=data_, FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, ratios_extension = True, max_freq = 30, n_peaks=5,
                          graph=False, min_harms=2)

# Compute spectromorphological metric on each IMF
biotuning.time_resolved_harmonicity(input='SpectralCentroid', method='harmsim', keep_first_IMF=False, nIMFs=4, IMFs=None, delta_lim=20,
                                  limit_cons=20, min_notes=4, graph=True, window=None)

Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 30 Hz
(4, 3800)
../../_images/1a17d73f4925bf83d898ed32711246b0b8a5406339b3299263fb700cbf96dbb2.png ../../_images/a493da5f54ea1f9c399be4f66f3e3627376d7d013b9bf7ba038c6690fa2cc0cf.png
[[np.float64(2.8), np.float64(4.62), np.float64(16.69), np.float64(30.8)],
 [np.float64(3.38), np.float64(5.84), np.float64(12.48), np.float64(30.42)],
 [np.float64(3.52), np.float64(5.43), np.float64(10.56), np.float64(28.16)],
 [np.float64(2.5), np.float64(6.66), np.float64(19.98), np.float64(44.4)]]
# Instantaneous frequencies of IMFs at moment in time when threshold of consonance is reached
[[np.float64(2.8), np.float64(4.62), np.float64(16.69), np.float64(30.8)],
 [np.float64(3.38), np.float64(5.84), np.float64(12.48), np.float64(30.42)],
 [np.float64(3.52), np.float64(5.43), np.float64(10.56), np.float64(28.16)],
 [np.float64(2.5), np.float64(6.66), np.float64(19.98), np.float64(44.4)]]

Spectral chords from instantaneous frequencies#

You can also compute timepoint consonance between the instantaneous frequencies using the Hilbert-Huang transform. To do so, we need to initialize the biotuner object with a peaks function ‘HH1D_max’, which means that Hilbert-Huang transform will be computed on each IMF, leading to estimations of instantaneous frequencies (IF).

# Choose a time series
data_HH = data[39]

# Initialize biotuner object with Hilbert-Huang method
bt_HH_chords = compute_biotuner(sf = 1000, peaks_function = 'HH1D_max', precision = 0.5, n_harm = 20,
                    ratios_n_harms = 5, ratios_inc_fit = True, ratios_inc = True) # Initialize biotuner object

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_HH_chords.peaks_extraction(data_HH, ratios_extension = True, max_freq = 60, n_peaks=5,
                          graph=False, min_harms=2, verbose=False)
# Look at the shape of instantaneous frequencies (n points, nIMFs)
(4000, 5)
from biotuner.metrics import timepoint_consonance
# Format IF
data_IF = np.moveaxis(bt_HH_chords.IF, 0, 1) 

# Compute spectral chords
chords, positions, tr_harm = timepoint_consonance(np.round(data_IF, 1), method='harmsim', limit=50, min_notes=4,
from biotuner.biotuner_utils import chords_to_ratios
# Transform the set of frequencies to a set of integer ratios
chords_ratios2, chords_bounded2 = chords_to_ratios(chords, harm_limit=2, spread=True)
[[9, 12, 18, 26, 30],
 [6, 12, 21, 24, 26],
 [6, 9, 12, 24, 26],
 [12, 21, 42, 44, 63],
 [12, 20, 40, 54, 75],
 [9, 14, 18, 22, 32]]
# Rescale the set of integer ratios within one octave,
# such as the highest value is less than two time the first value
chords_ratios, chords_bounded = chords_to_ratios(chords, harm_limit=2, spread=False)
[[9, 12, 13, 15, 18],
 [12, 13, 21, 24],
 [12, 13, 18, 24],
 [12, 16, 21, 22],
 [12, 14, 19, 20],
 [9, 11, 14, 16, 18]]

Listening to spectral chords#

from biotuner.biotuner_utils import listen_chords
listen_chords(chords_ratios[:], mult=40, duration=0.5)
pygame 2.6.1 (SDL 2.28.4, Python 3.11.11)
Hello from the pygame community.
listen_chords(chords_bounded[:], mult=300, duration=1)

Exporting spectral chords as MIDI files#

We will now see how to export the spectral chords in MIDI format, keeping the microtonality.

from biotuner.biotuner_utils import create_midi, rebound

# Define the number of octaves up
n_octaves = 4
mult = 2**n_octaves
new_chords = []
for chord in chords[1:4]:
    # Take the original frequencies and rebound them within one octave range
    c = [rebound(x, low=np.min(chord)-1, high=np.min(chord)*2, octave=2) for x in chord]
    # Then, move the chord n octaves up to be in the hearing range
    c = [int(x*mult) for x in c]
# set 1 second duration for each chord
durations = [1] * len(new_chords)
midi_file = create_midi(new_chords, durations, microtonal=True, filename='test')
MidiFile(type=1, ticks_per_beat=480, tracks=[
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=0, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=0, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=0, note=14, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=0, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=0, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=0, note=14, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=0, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=0, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=0, note=14, velocity=64, time=480)]),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=1, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=1, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=1, note=14, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=1, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=1, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=1, note=14, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=1, pitch=1281, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=1, note=24, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=1, note=24, velocity=64, time=480)]),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=2, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=2, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=2, note=14, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=2, pitch=4905, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=2, note=14, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=2, note=14, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=2, pitch=1281, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=2, note=24, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=2, note=24, velocity=64, time=480)]),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=3, pitch=3988, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=3, note=15, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=3, note=15, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=3, pitch=3988, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=3, note=15, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=3, note=15, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=3, pitch=1434, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=3, note=25, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=3, note=25, velocity=64, time=480)]),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=4, pitch=1281, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=4, note=24, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=4, note=24, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=4, pitch=2555, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=4, note=21, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=4, note=21, velocity=64, time=480),
    Message('pitchwheel', channel=4, pitch=2866, time=1),
    Message('note_on', channel=4, note=19, velocity=64, time=1),
    Message('note_off', channel=4, note=19, velocity=64, time=480)])