Peaks extraction methods#

This notebook illustrates the use of the biotuner toolbox with the aims to show that we can retrieve harmonic information from a generated signal using different peaks extraction methods

This notebook is one step towards the exploration of biological harmonies and their relevance for the carving of new musical systems, as compared to pseudo-random generative engines.

Retrieving frequency information from simulated signals using the biotuner#

First, we will generate two signals composed of two sets of predetermined frequencies. The first one will contain harmonic frequencies, while the second will contain non-harmonic frequencies

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
from biotuner.biotuner_utils import generate_signal
!pip install neurodsp
from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning)

sf = 1000
length =4
theta = 0
freqs_harm = [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48]
freqs_noharm = [2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 33, 49]
# set amplitudes to random between 0.5 and 1
amps = np.random.uniform(0.5, 1, len(freqs_harm))
signal_harm = generate_signal(sf, length, freqs_harm, amps, show=False)
signal_noharm = generate_signal(sf, length, freqs_noharm, amps, show=False)

# Set up simulation parameters for neurodsp
n_seconds = 4
fs = 1000
components_harm = {
    'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': -0.8}, 
    'sim_oscillation': [{'freq': freq} for freq in freqs_harm]  # list of dictionaries
components_noharm = {
    'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': -0.8}, 
    'sim_oscillation': [{'freq': freq} for freq in freqs_noharm]  # list of dictionaries

# Each component (aperiodic & oscillatory) needs a variance
component_variances = [10 for _ in range(len(freqs_noharm) + 1)]  # +1 for the 'sim_powerlaw' component

# Simulate the signal
brain_signal_harm = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components_harm, component_variances)
brain_signal_noharm = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components_noharm, component_variances)

# plot the signals with 2 rows of subplots

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 4))  # Create 2x2 subplots

# First row: Simulated oscillations
axs[0, 0].plot(signal_harm, color='darkblue')
axs[0, 0].set_title('Harmonic signal')
axs[0, 0].set_xlabel('Time')
axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('Amplitude')
axs[0, 0].set_xlim(0, 1000)

axs[0, 1].plot(signal_noharm, color='darkred')
axs[0, 1].set_title('Non-harmonic signal')
axs[0, 1].set_xlabel('Time')
axs[0, 1].set_ylabel('Amplitude')
axs[0, 1].set_xlim(0, 1000)

# Second row: Simulated brain signals
axs[1, 0].plot(brain_signal_harm, color='darkblue')
axs[1, 0].set_title('Simulated Harmonic Brain Signal')
axs[1, 0].set_xlabel('Time')
axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('Amplitude')
axs[1, 0].set_xlim(0, 1000)

axs[1, 1].plot(brain_signal_noharm, color='darkred')
axs[1, 1].set_title('Simulated Non-Harmonic Brain Signal')
axs[1, 1].set_xlabel('Time')
axs[1, 1].set_ylabel('Amplitude')
axs[1, 1].set_xlim(0, 1000)

Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: neurodsp in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (2.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from neurodsp) (2.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from neurodsp) (1.14.1)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from neurodsp) (3.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (4.55.3)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.3.1 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (1.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (24.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=8 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (11.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (3.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->neurodsp) (2.9.0.post0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib->neurodsp) (1.17.0)
c:\Users\Antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\Lib\site-packages\IPython\utils\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
  return process_handler(cmd, _system_body)
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
c:\Users\Antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\Lib\site-packages\IPython\utils\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name=5>
  return process_handler(cmd, _system_body)
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
c:\Users\Antoine\anaconda3\envs\biotuner\Lib\site-packages\IPython\utils\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name=6>
  return process_handler(cmd, _system_body)
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

Then, we want to retrieve the generator frequencies using different peaks_functions offered by the biotuner.

Peaks functions (see the doc)#

fixed : ranges of frequency bands are fixed

FOOOF : peaks rising above the aperiodic component

EMD: Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) are derived from Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)
FFT is computed on each IMF

harmonic_recurrence: keeps peaks for which a maximum of other peaks are harmonics

EIMC: keeps peaks for which a maximum of other peaks are intermodulation components


And now with the ‘fixed’ bands method. With the specified bands, we would expect to find 2, 6 and 24Hz for the harmonic signal and 2, 5 and 23Hz for the non-harmonic signal

from biotuner.biotuner_object import compute_biotuner
FREQ_BANDS = [[1, 3], [4, 7], [10, 20], [20, 30]]
# Initialize biotuner object for harmonic signal
bt_harm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function = 'fixed', precision = 0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_harm.peaks_extraction(signal_harm, FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, min_freq = 1, max_freq = 50, min_harms = 2, harm_limit = 1000, graph=True)

# Initialize biotuner object for non-harmonic signal
bt_noharm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function = 'fixed', precision = 0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_noharm.peaks_extraction(signal_noharm, FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, min_freq = 1, max_freq = 50, min_harms = 2, harm_limit = 1000, graph=True)

# Compare results
print('HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_harm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_harm)
print('NON-HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_noharm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_noharm)
../../_images/fa0ccdd4c172d9a6957b587a15395b69f78c206cb188a34462d0897db83c17ff.png ../../_images/0a687a28274d1f33d86fea8508d813a6797c41de2c04a768187048af16ab38dd.png
RETRIEVED [ 2.  6. 18. 24.] ORIGINAL [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48]
RETRIEVED [ 2.  5. 17. 23.] ORIGINAL [2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 33, 49]


# Initialize biotuner object for harmonic signal
bt_harm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function = 'FOOOF', precision = 0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_harm.peaks_extraction(signal_harm, min_freq = 1, max_freq = 50, min_harms = 2, harm_limit = 1000, graph=True)

# Initialize biotuner object for non-harmonic signal
bt_noharm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function = 'FOOOF', precision = 0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_noharm.peaks_extraction(signal_noharm, min_freq = 1, max_freq = 50, min_harms = 2, harm_limit = 1000, graph=True)

# Compare results
print('HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_harm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_harm)
print('NON-HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_noharm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_noharm)
                                   FOOOF - POWER SPECTRUM MODEL                                   
                        The model was run on the frequency range 0 - 50 Hz                        
                                 Frequency Resolution is 0.50 Hz                                  
                            Aperiodic Parameters (offset, exponent):                              
                                        -31.8028, -1.0450                                         
                                       7 peaks were found:                                        
                                CF:   2.00, PW: 36.375, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:   6.00, PW: 36.323, BW:  1.04                                 
                                CF:  12.00, PW: 35.417, BW:  1.05                                 
                                CF:  18.00, PW: 35.819, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:  24.00, PW: 35.838, BW:  1.04                                 
                                CF:  36.00, PW: 35.195, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:  48.00, PW: 35.391, BW:  1.03                                 
                                     Goodness of fit metrics:                                     
                                    R^2 of model fit is 0.9056                                    
                                    Error of the fit is 2.4578                                    
                                   FOOOF - POWER SPECTRUM MODEL                                   
                        The model was run on the frequency range 0 - 50 Hz                        
                                 Frequency Resolution is 0.50 Hz                                  
                            Aperiodic Parameters (offset, exponent):                              
                                        -31.4491, -0.5745                                         
                                       7 peaks were found:                                        
                                CF:   2.00, PW: 36.172, BW:  1.04                                 
                                CF:   5.00, PW: 36.098, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:  11.00, PW: 35.456, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:  17.00, PW: 36.078, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:  23.00, PW: 36.048, BW:  1.06                                 
                                CF:  32.99, PW: 35.537, BW:  1.07                                 
                                CF:  49.01, PW: 35.579, BW:  1.06                                 
                                     Goodness of fit metrics:                                     
                                    R^2 of model fit is 0.9123                                    
                                    Error of the fit is 2.3894                                    
RETRIEVED [ 2.  6. 24. 18. 12.] ORIGINAL [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48]
RETRIEVED [ 2.    5.   17.   23.   49.01] ORIGINAL [2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 33, 49]
../../_images/42625373b7914b825a540c8670367cd9aaba2b9631885527b94fb86d453e9280.png ../../_images/cf8b63a9eb8c2b4da793287d4d7b8b8c7521e5a585e5d5eb65d105e130c9ff62.png

Empirical Mode Decomposition#

# Initialize biotuner object for harmonic signal
bt_harm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function='EMD', precision=0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_harm.peaks_extraction(signal_harm, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, nIMFs=3, prominence=10, rel_height=1, keep_first_IMF=True,

# Initialize biotuner object for non-harmonic signal
bt_noharm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function='EMD', precision=0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_noharm.peaks_extraction(signal_noharm, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, nIMFs=3, prominence=10, rel_height=1, keep_first_IMF=True,

# Compare results
print('HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_harm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_harm)
print('NON-HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_noharm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_noharm)
RETRIEVED [ 2.  6. 18. 36.] ORIGINAL [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48]
RETRIEVED [ 2.  5. 17. 49.] ORIGINAL [2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 33, 49]

Harmonic recurrence#

This method identifies spectral peaks that have the highest recurrence in the spectrum based on their harmonic series. In the graph, each colored line reprensent a spectral peak, while the associated dashed lines represent harmonics of this peak.

# Initialize biotuner object for harmonic signal
bt_harm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function = 'harmonic_recurrence', precision = 0.5) 

#set figzise
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2))
# Extract spectral peaks
bt_harm.peaks_extraction(signal_harm, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, min_harms=2, harm_limit=1000, graph=True,
                         prominence=15, rel_height=1, n_peaks=4)

# Initialize biotuner object for non-harmonic signal
bt_noharm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function='harmonic_recurrence', precision=0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_noharm.peaks_extraction(signal_noharm, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, min_harms=2, harm_limit=1000, graph=True,
                           prominence=15, rel_height=1, n_peaks=4)

# Compare results
print('HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_harm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_harm)
print('NON-HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_noharm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_noharm)
<Figure size 500x200 with 0 Axes>
../../_images/1299fb9f127e71c6faabfb272a9bcfc068343a674783461d972ca1ae1e936d3c.png ../../_images/1700f970e255ec48b3d9a5afcc617cc340aa264ac65dbbc265d52996db6fe79e.png
RETRIEVED [ 2.  6. 12. 48.] ORIGINAL [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48]
RETRIEVED [ 2.  5. 11. 33.] ORIGINAL [2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 33, 49]

Endogeneous Inter-Modulation Components#

# Initialize biotuner object for harmonic signal
bt_harm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function='EIMC', precision=0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_harm.peaks_extraction(signal_harm, min_freq=1, max_freq=50,  graph=True,
                         n_peaks=4, prominence=10, rel_height=10)

# Initialize biotuner object for non-harmonic signal
bt_noharm = compute_biotuner(sf=sf, peaks_function='EIMC', precision=0.5) 

# Extract spectral peaks
bt_noharm.peaks_extraction(signal_noharm, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, graph=True,
                           n_peaks=4, prominence=10, rel_height=10)

# Round the peaks according to the precision, which is a float
bt_harm.peaks = [round(x * 2) / 2 for x in bt_harm.peaks]
bt_noharm.peaks = [round(x * 2) / 2 for x in bt_noharm.peaks]

# Compare results
print('HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_harm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_harm)
print('NON-HARMONIC PEAKS', '\nRETRIEVED', bt_noharm.peaks, 'ORIGINAL', freqs_noharm)
../../_images/60e7f2741793533d56b7a1e3015c6e0269eeb2b0c7fd08b8052dd5eda4b350e5.png ../../_images/5123cd1e9a4ac27b90dd7d236b650e1d8b7f78bae59fca625257553c285daf66.png
RETRIEVED [6.0, 24.0, 48.0, 36.0] ORIGINAL [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48]
RETRIEVED [17.0, 2.0, 49.0, 33.0] ORIGINAL [2, 5, 11, 17, 23, 33, 49]

Effect of noise on peaks detection#

We will add noise to the signal to see how the algorithms perform

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import welch

# Set a target channel noise power to something very noisy
noise_db_list = range(0, 25, 5)

# Create subplots
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16, 4))

colors =, 0.6, len(noise_db_list)))

for i, db in enumerate(noise_db_list):
    # Convert to linear Watt units
    target_noise_watts = 10 ** (db / 10)

    # Generate noise samples
    mean_noise = 0
    noise_signal_harm = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(target_noise_watts), len(signal_harm))
    noise_signal_brain_harm = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(target_noise_watts), len(brain_signal_harm))

    # Noise up the original signal (oscillations and brain signals) and plot
    noised_signal_harm = signal_harm + noise_signal_harm
    noised_brain_signal_harm = brain_signal_harm + noise_signal_brain_harm
    # For harmonic oscillation
    axs[0].plot(noised_signal_harm[0:100], color = colors[i], label='{}dB noise'.format(db), alpha=0.8)
    freqs, psd = welch(noised_signal_harm, sf, nperseg=1024)
    axs[1].semilogy(freqs, psd, color = colors[i])
    # For simulated brain signal
    axs[2].plot(noised_brain_signal_harm[0:100], color = colors[i], alpha=1)
    freqs, psd = welch(noised_brain_signal_harm, sf, nperseg=1024)
    axs[3].semilogy(freqs, psd, color = colors[i])

# Set labels and titles
axs[0].set_title('Harmonic signal')
axs[2].set_title('Simulated brain signal')

for ax in axs[1:4]:
    ax.set_xlim([2, 50])
    ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    ax.set_ylabel('PSD [V**2/Hz]')

# Add legends
axs[0].legend(loc='upper right')
axs[1].legend(loc='upper right')

# Display the plot

We will now quantify the effect of noise on peak detection by plotting the performance of the algorithms for different intensity of noise.#

The first plot is for a signal made from a set of harmonic frequencies.

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline, BSpline

# Setting up parameters
sf = 1000
length = 4
n_times = 5 #number of times the bootstraping is executed
freqs = [2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36]
amps = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
FREQ_BANDS = [[1, 5], [5, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30]]

# Simulate the signals
components = {
    'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': -1}, 
    'sim_oscillation': [{'freq': freq} for freq in freqs]  # list of dictionaries
component_variances = [1 for _ in range(len(freqs) + 1)]  # +1 for the 'sim_powerlaw' component

# Simulate original signal
simulated_EEG = sim_combined(length, sf, components, component_variances)

# Simulate EEG signal
simulated_oscillations = generate_signal(sf, length, freqs, amps, show=False, color = 'turquoise')  # Assuming generate_signal is your custom function

signals = {'Simulated Oscillations': simulated_oscillations, 'Simulated EEG Signal': simulated_EEG}

for title, signal in signals.items():
    peaks_methods = ['fixed', 'harmonic_recurrence', 'EIMC', 'EMD', 'FOOOF']
    noise_db_list = range(0, 40, 1)
    colors = ['darkred', 'darkblue', 'darkorange', 'black', 'cyan', 'deeppink']

    data = []
    for method, color in zip(peaks_methods, colors):
        median_distance_tot = []
        for db in noise_db_list: 
            t = 0
            median_distance = []
            while t < n_times:
                # Convert to linear Watt units
                target_noise_watts = 10 ** (db / 10)

                # Generate noise samples
                mean_noise = 0
                noise_signal = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(target_noise_watts), len(signal))

                # Noise up the original signal
                noised_signal = signal + noise_signal
                # set dictionary of prominence and rel_height for each method
                prominences = {'fixed': 10, 'harmonic_recurrence': 8, 'EMD': 1, 'FOOOF': 10, 'HH1D_max': 1, 'EIMC': 7}
                rel_heights = {'fixed': 1, 'harmonic_recurrence': 1, 'EMD': 0.7, 'FOOOF': 1, 'HH1D_max': 1, 'EIMC': 1}
                # Initialize biotuner object
                biotuning = compute_biotuner(sf = sf, peaks_function=method, precision=0.5)
                if method == 'EMD':
                    biotuning.peaks_extraction(noised_signal, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, min_harms=2, harm_limit=128, 
                                        FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, verbose=False, graph=False, prominence=prominences[method],
                                        rel_height=rel_heights[method], nIMFs=6, keep_first_IMF=False, n_peaks=6)
                    biotuning.peaks = biotuning.peaks[0:4] # select only the first 4 peaks
                    biotuning.peak = [x for x in biotuning.peaks if x <= freqs[-1]+1]
                        biotuning.peaks_extraction(noised_signal, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, min_harms=2, harm_limit=128, 
                                            FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, verbose=False, graph=False, prominence=prominences[method],
                                            rel_height=rel_heights[method], nIMFs=3, keep_first_IMF=True, n_peaks=4)
                        biotuning.peaks = [x for x in biotuning.peaks if x <= freqs[-1]+1]
                        biotuning.peaks = []
                if db == 0:
                    no_noise_peaks = biotuning.peaks
                if len(biotuning.peaks) == 0:
                    list_distance = []
                    for p in biotuning.peaks:
                        takeClosest = lambda num,collection:min(collection,key=lambda x:abs(x-num))
                        closest = takeClosest(p,freqs)
                t += 1
            # calculate standard deviation
            std_dev = np.std(median_distance)
                    # Continue with your computations... 

            data.append([method, db, np.nanmedian(median_distance), np.std(median_distance)])

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Method", "Noise decibels", "Median distance", "Std deviation"])

    # Add the option for std or 95% CI
    error_option = 'CI'  # change to 'std' for standard deviation

    for method in peaks_methods:
        df_method = df[df["Method"] == method]
        df_method = df_method[df_method['Std deviation'].notna()]
        # To create smooth line plot
        xnew = np.linspace(df_method["Noise decibels"].min(), df_method["Noise decibels"].max(), 300)
        spl = make_interp_spline(df_method["Noise decibels"], df_method["Median distance"], k=3)  # type: BSpline
        y_smooth = spl(xnew)
        if error_option == 'std':
            spl_std = make_interp_spline(df_method["Noise decibels"], df_method["Std deviation"], k=3)  # type: BSpline
            error_smooth = spl_std(xnew)
        elif error_option == 'CI':
            confidence_interval = df_method["Std deviation"] / np.sqrt(n_times) * 1.96
            spl_ci = make_interp_spline(df_method["Noise decibels"], confidence_interval, k=3)  # type: BSpline
            error_smooth = spl_ci(xnew)

        line, = plt.plot(xnew, y_smooth, label=method)  # use same color for the line
        color = line.get_color()  # get color of the line

        plt.fill_between(xnew, y_smooth-error_smooth, y_smooth+error_smooth, color=color, alpha=0.2)

    plt.title(f'Impact of noise on peak detection: {title}', size=16)
    plt.legend(loc="upper left", title="Peak Extraction Method")
    plt.xlabel("Noise decibels")
    plt.ylabel("Median distance between generated and retrieved peaks")
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
No peaks were detected. Consider increasing precision or number of harmonics
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline, BSpline

# Setting up parameters
sf = 1000
length = 4
n_times = 5 #number of times the bootstraping is executed
freqs = [2, 6.5, 15.5, 18.3, 24.9, 39.1]
amps = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
FREQ_BANDS = [[1, 5], [5, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30]]

# Simulate the signals
components = {
    'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': -1}, 
    'sim_oscillation': [{'freq': freq} for freq in freqs]  # list of dictionaries
component_variances = [1 for _ in range(len(freqs) + 1)]  # +1 for the 'sim_powerlaw' component

# Simulate original signal
simulated_EEG = sim_combined(length, sf, components, component_variances)

# Simulate EEG signal
simulated_oscillations = generate_signal(sf, length, freqs, amps, show=False, color = 'turquoise')  # Assuming generate_signal is your custom function

signals = {'Simulated Oscillations': simulated_oscillations, 'Simulated EEG Signal': simulated_EEG}

for title, signal in signals.items():
    peaks_methods = ['fixed', 'harmonic_recurrence', 'EIMC', 'EMD', 'FOOOF']
    noise_db_list = range(0, 40, 1)
    colors = ['darkred', 'darkblue', 'darkorange', 'black', 'cyan', 'deeppink']

    data = []
    for method, color in zip(peaks_methods, colors):
        median_distance_tot = []
        for db in noise_db_list: 
            t = 0
            median_distance = []
            while t < n_times:
                # Convert to linear Watt units
                target_noise_watts = 10 ** (db / 10)

                # Generate noise samples
                mean_noise = 0
                noise_signal = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(target_noise_watts), len(signal))

                # Noise up the original signal
                noised_signal = signal + noise_signal
                # set dictionary of prominence and rel_height for each method
                prominences = {'fixed': 10, 'harmonic_recurrence': 8, 'EMD': 1, 'FOOOF': 10, 'HH1D_max': 1, 'EIMC': 7}
                rel_heights = {'fixed': 1, 'harmonic_recurrence': 1, 'EMD': 0.7, 'FOOOF': 1, 'HH1D_max': 1, 'EIMC': 1}
                # Initialize biotuner object
                biotuning = compute_biotuner(sf = sf, peaks_function=method, precision=0.5)
                if method == 'EMD':
                    biotuning.peaks_extraction(noised_signal, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, min_harms=2, harm_limit=128, 
                                        FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, verbose=False, graph=False, prominence=prominences[method],
                                        rel_height=rel_heights[method], nIMFs=6, keep_first_IMF=False, n_peaks=6)
                    biotuning.peaks = biotuning.peaks[0:4] # select only the first 4 peaks
                    biotuning.peak = [x for x in biotuning.peaks if x <= freqs[-1]+1]
                        biotuning.peaks_extraction(noised_signal, min_freq=1, max_freq=50, min_harms=2, harm_limit=128, 
                                            FREQ_BANDS = FREQ_BANDS, verbose=False, graph=False, prominence=prominences[method],
                                            rel_height=rel_heights[method], nIMFs=3, keep_first_IMF=True, n_peaks=4)
                        biotuning.peaks = [x for x in biotuning.peaks if x <= freqs[-1]+1]
                        biotuning.peaks = []
                if db == 0:
                    no_noise_peaks = biotuning.peaks
                if len(biotuning.peaks) == 0:
                    list_distance = []
                    for p in biotuning.peaks:
                        takeClosest = lambda num,collection:min(collection,key=lambda x:abs(x-num))
                        closest = takeClosest(p,freqs)
                t += 1
            # calculate standard deviation
            std_dev = np.std(median_distance)
                    # Continue with your computations... 

            data.append([method, db, np.nanmedian(median_distance), np.std(median_distance)])

    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Method", "Noise decibels", "Median distance", "Std deviation"])

    # Add the option for std or 95% CI
    error_option = 'CI'  # change to 'std' for standard deviation

    for method in peaks_methods:
        df_method = df[df["Method"] == method]
        df_method = df_method[df_method['Std deviation'].notna()]
        # To create smooth line plot
        xnew = np.linspace(df_method["Noise decibels"].min(), df_method["Noise decibels"].max(), 300)
        spl = make_interp_spline(df_method["Noise decibels"], df_method["Median distance"], k=3)  # type: BSpline
        y_smooth = spl(xnew)
        if error_option == 'std':
            spl_std = make_interp_spline(df_method["Noise decibels"], df_method["Std deviation"], k=3)  # type: BSpline
            error_smooth = spl_std(xnew)
        elif error_option == 'CI':
            confidence_interval = df_method["Std deviation"] / np.sqrt(n_times) * 1.96
            spl_ci = make_interp_spline(df_method["Noise decibels"], confidence_interval, k=3)  # type: BSpline
            error_smooth = spl_ci(xnew)

        line, = plt.plot(xnew, y_smooth, label=method)  # use same color for the line
        color = line.get_color()  # get color of the line

        plt.fill_between(xnew, y_smooth-error_smooth, y_smooth+error_smooth, color=color, alpha=0.2)

    plt.title(f'Impact of noise on peak detection: {title}')
    plt.legend(loc="upper left", title="Peak Extraction Method")
    plt.xlabel("Noise decibels")
    plt.ylabel("Median distance")
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 2 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz
Warning: 1 peaks were removed because they exceeded the maximum frequency of 50 Hz

The second plot is for a signal made from a set of inharmonic frequencies.